Categories: Pastor's Desk

Several years ago, I had the opportunity to visit the Holy Land. During that trip, we visited several Palestinian families, who lived in various degrees of poverty. Each of these families had very little: and yet, when we arrived for our visit, each family made sure that they took the time to prepare a meal for us. I was amazed by the generosity of these families. I kept thinking to myself that if I had so little, I would want to keep what I had for myself! And yet, so often, it is the opposite that is true: Those who have wealth will do everything they can to keep it, while those who have little will share the little they have more freely with others.

This weekend’s Gospel reminds us of the importance of generosity in our daily lives. In the Gospel, Jesus makes a clear contrast between the rich, who deposit large sums into the treasury without a second thought, and the poor widow who gives everything she has. For Jesus, the widow gives the more generous gift, because she has given her whole livelihood to the treasury. Even in her poverty, the widow is concerned about the well-being of others. Her willingness to give of the little she has also shows her dependence on God to provide for her needs.

Our readings this weekend make it clear that this generosity is greatly rewarded by God. When we learn to put the needs of others ahead of our own needs, we begin to recognize what is truly important in our lives. We begin to recognize our need for God, which also helps us to see how we can be of service to others, and be the hands and feet of God to those in need.

This weekend’s Gospel challenges us to examine how we give of our time, talent, and treasure. Are we generous with the gifts that God has blessed us with? Do we live generously, and trust that God will provide for our needs? Or are we more concerned with appearances, and with meeting our own needs first? This week, I invite you to reflect on the blessings you have received from God in your life, and ask God to show you how you can be more generous in sharing those blessings with others.

-Fr. Steven Huber, CSB