Categories: Lil' Saints At Home

‘Jesus shines like the sun’

Opening Prayer


We thank you for the blessing of this day

and for this time together.

Help us grow in love and care for each other.




What did Peter, James, and John see on the mountaintop that day?

Jesus was transfigured!! This means his appearance changed as his face and clothes shone like the sun.

    If the sun shines in our eyes, we are dazzled by its brightness and the strength of its        light. The light shining from Jesus was as bright as the sun. These rays of light were shafts of God’s glory and a glimpse of his power and might.

Think of a time you ever lost electricity. What happened? ( encourage your child to share their thoughts and ideas and how they felt during that time).

With no light, the world can seem cold, dark and scary. By day, the natural light of the sun warms the earth and makes things grow.  At night, we use artificial light so that we may see and find our way through the darkness

Just as light chases away the darkness so that we may see, the light shining out from Jesus that day made the disciples see that he was, indeed, the Son of God. Their lives had been touched by the brilliance of God’s power and love, they were filled with the light of faith.

Closing Prayer


fill me with the light of your love and faith.

Make me shine in the darkness and touch the

lives of others with the light of your goodness.


