Categories: Family News

Dear Parishioners of the Windsor Heritage Catholic Family of Parishes,

Many of you might be familiar with the saying “when it rains, it pours.” We certainly have had our share of rainfall in the past few months, with Fr. Maurice getting sick, and then taking a leave of absence to focus on his recovery from post-COVID issues. Recently, we have also been made aware of another medical issue that one of our staff members is facing.

Darlene Bechard, whom many of you will know as the receptionist at St. Alphonsus Church, recently learned that she has a mass in the temporal lobe of her brain. The exact cause and nature of this mass is still under investigation, but what has become clear in recent days is that the mass is causing Darlene to experience a number of adverse health effects. Due to the nature of these adverse effects, Darlene has been advised by her doctor to take a medical leave of absence from work.

Darlene has given me permission to share this information with you, and she also asks for your prayers- especially as she awaits test results that will shed further light on the exact nature of her condition. The results of these tests will also determine what course of action will be necessary for treatment. I will also be offering Darlene the Sacrament of the Sick, as a sign that she has the support and prayers of the Church in her time of illness.

While Darlene is on medical leave, Sally McQuaid will be available to handle the booking of Mass Intentions for both Assumption and St. Alphonsus, as well as requests for Sacramental Records for both Parishes. You can contact Sally by phone at 519-253-2493, ext. 221, or by e-mail at

In Christ,

Fr. Steven Huber, CSB