In light of the information released by the Province of Ontario on Monday, it is necessary to update our protocols. The changes are things we have seen before, but...[read more]
A couple of years ago, the Symphony Chorus was rehearsing a piece of music that I found to be particularly challenging. Our musical score for this piece only contained the...[read more]
Dear parishioners,Merry Christmas! I wish each of you a blessed and joy-filled celebration of Jesus’ birth. Christmas is my favourite Church celebration. I am constantly in awe that our...[read more]
On behalf of the entire staff of the Windsor Heritage Catholic Family of Parishes, I want to wish you all a merry and blessed Christmas! The message of...[read more]
Earlier this year, my brother went into sudden cardiac arrest while running a half marathon. When my parents got the news, they immediately figured out the fastest way that...[read more]
The Pastoral Council for our Family of Parishes met via Zoom on December 16, 2021. Fr. Maurice was present for the beginning of the meeting. He gave the members...[read more]
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, On Sunday, 10 October 2021, at the Vatican Basilica of St. Peter, Pope Francis proclaimed the “Opening of the Synodal Path”. Originally...[read more]
Happy Gaudete Sunday! Gaudete is the Latin word for rejoice, and this Sunday takes it’s name from the opening words of the Entrance Antiphon for the Mass....[read more]
The St. Clare Statue in the church courtyard has been repaired and has been reinstalled. Next Spring, we plan to refresh the landscaping in the courtyard and...[read more]
Solemnity of the Immaculate ConceptionTo: The Faithful of the Diocese of LondonDear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,In September, Bishop Dabrowski and I participated in the annual plenary meeting of...[read more]